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Pies and Baked Goods

Apple pieEnjoy Herrell's® superb, delicious baked goods—made by us here in our shop, or for Herrell's® by local gourmet baking specialists. We have everything from chocolate brownies to our own Brookie and Cookie Dough Pie, not to mention outrageously good apple pie, pumpkin pie, and carrot cake. Try them à la mode!

No-Moo® Cookies and other cookiesSpecial Dietary Needs

Daily selections include dairy and non-dairy options, such as No-Moo® cookies and other baked goods, as well as vegan and gluten-free choices. We've been baking our No-Moo® cookies and other treats here in Massachusetts since 1993.

If your diet is dairy-free or vegan, you can also enjoy a frozen treat: our No-Moo® non-dairy ice cream, which is made with almond milk.

Cookies and Baked Goods Shipped to Your Door

We ship baked goods of all kinds which do not require refrigeration. Call us at (413) 586-9700 or email us for details!

Carrot cake Mini pies Pumpkin pie